Just had lunch here with my Kazakh friends. This place is a halal restaurant offering Kazakh cuisine. Next time I will get some pictures of the good food here. Check out Tagam on @foursquare: http://4sq.com/1d9T4az Posted from WordPress for Android … [Read more...] about Tagam Halal Restaurant in Almaty
Archives for January 2014
Cold is beautiful
Yes it does get cold in Kazakhstan but boy is it beautiful... Posted from WordPress for Android … [Read more...] about Cold is beautiful
Vaseline in Almaty
This is very helpful to keep your nose moist in Almaty. I forgot to buy some in Saigon. I found a Russian equivalent at a local pharmacy luckily. Posted from WordPress for Android … [Read more...] about Vaseline in Almaty
Altel 4G is awesome
After getting fed up with my slow ADSL line at my house, I decided to get 4G. Altel provides a 4G router for 9990 Tenge or roughly $66 USD that includes one month free unlimited. I have to pay 4500 Tenge ($30 USD) afterwards (which is covered in my contract). Just look at the local speed tests below: The second test for the Altel 4G kicks butt. I … [Read more...] about Altel 4G is awesome
Humidifier for my room
The air is a bit dry for me in Almaty when compared to the tropical air in Vietnam. I wake up in the middle of the night normally since my nose is dry. I am thirsty too, more then normal. Yes Almaty is not dry in comparison to Karatau, my old Peace Corps site, or northern Kazakhstan but it is still dry to me. This humidifier I bought for about $75 USD should help make … [Read more...] about Humidifier for my room