I have now been doing Olympic Weightlifting at Get Fit Gym in Saigon for over a couple months now. My technique is slowly improving though I still have about 6 more months to really get more comfortable with the weights. I am still just lifting light compared to where I should be at if I want to compete in the Masters level.
If you are interested in my Training Logs, I keep them at my other weightlifting blog, ironDevilDog.com. I normally train the Olympic Lifts every other day. If anyone wants to learn them, I can give you pointers though I am not a coach, yet…
Below are some pictures of the area where I workout. Get Fit does not have any lifting platforms so I have to make do with the area. They are nice, though, some gyms will not let you do any cleans or snatches without a platform. Yes, I do drop the weights but the floor has about 5 layers of padding. The bars do leave some indentation. I am responsible for some of them but there is a Korean Powerlifter in the evening that adds to them as well…

Wow this is a timely post. I just moved to Saigon and was looking around for good gyms. Does Get Fit have a Power Rack for squatting?
I went to Lan Anh Club when I was here in January and it wasn’t overly crowded and the Squat Rack was decent. I seriously doubt you could get away with snatching or clean and jerking there though.
No Power Rack at Get Fit Gym. Just a Smith Machine which is heavily used. I just use the seated press bench for my squats.
Gotcha. I checked out Mach’s Gym today on a friend’s recommendation (despite your advice to the contrary) and it was pretty crummy. Super packed around 7pm and barely enough weights to use the equipment. Definitely won’t be going back.
I miss the old Mach’s Gym. Great power rack but not enough weights. They did in the past. It is a chick gym now.