About a week ago I took this picture in District 2 (An Phu Ward) just after crossing the Saigon River Bridge. For many of you it may not mean much but for me this very photo illustrates the speed of Saigon’s development. When I first arrived in Saigon back in May, 2004, I spent over three months in Thu Duc District. I used to commute on this same highway back and forth to District 1. Back in 2004, this same exact highway was not as nice as it is today. Most of the ride was quite muddy and riddled with bumps. The sides of the road were one big mud hole.
It is much nicer on this highway now. I am beginning to like New Saigon though I will miss the Old Saigon.
thanks for this post! I’ve lived in Q2 all the time, have tried both sides of the highway, and this photo has great value for me… and wow, the development is fast even since my leaving in November 😉
@RiinaKoch It was a recent change. I went back there a month ago and was surprised at how much this area changed. I like it since I remember what this area looked like before.