I was going my Popular Posts and ran across a post from February, 2009, titled Linux Runs My Life. Boy have things changed since I wrote that article. Back in 2009, I was anti-Apple. Now I run two Apple devices. Still, I use Linux in all aspects of my life. Inside my Mac, I run open source whenever possible as well.
Below is my current systems I run:
- Macbook Pro OS-X with bluetooth keyboard, magic mouse with external monitor
- CentOS Server 5.6 (VirtualBox)
- iPad iOS
- HTC Desire HD (Android 2.3)
- Linode VPS (CentOS Server 5.6)
- Digipower VPS (CentOS Server 5.6)
- Nokia N800 Internet Tablet (Maemo)
Again, the biggest change is that I am using Apple more often now. I have no complaints. Notice that I no longer run any Ubuntu systems. I finally gave up on Ubuntu and I doubt I will run another Ubuntu desktop in the future. I will stick with Fedora Core for my next desktop.
What are you all running now? I anticipate an increase of Apple users from the Linux crowd now.
Ubuntu on my laptop, PPC powermac sitting in the corner collecting dust for over a year. Got my Mom and Girlfriend to switch to Ubuntu and my girls father on to Linux mint.
You should try Bodhi Linux which is built on Ubuntu. Really nice.