Anyone know what happened to For nearly two and a half years I used to visit to site to watch online movies. Now the domain is redirected to
According to rumors, was secretly, some say illegally, run by FPT. Only those who subscribed to FPT’s ADSL packages were able to watch these online movies at amazing bandwidth speeds (Viettel users could not access the site). You could watch an entire movie streaming!!!
So what happened to it? Did FPT, or whoever owns, forget to renew the domain name? According to whois, it had not expired yet but I did find something interesting. Notice the word ‘Zing Movie’ in the meta description? Is Vinagame, the owner of Zing, the secret owner of for the past 2-3 years?
In Vietnam, you never know. I am curious to see what the Vietnamese Techy Bloggers will have to say.
Information has been confirmed
They say FPT sold it to Vinagame, for a while now
In the air it is said that VNG bought it with 1.2M
Thanks for the info. Oddly enough, I used last week and it worked.
1.2 million? I hope it was in Vietnamese dong. Amazing how you could spend so much just to redirect visitors from what used to be a good website (granted it was for pirated movies) to a crappy site (with more pirated movies).
Well, I hope Vinagame is prepared to meet with the lawyers from Hollywood someday. . .
does anyone know some web sites else to watch movies ? thanks