On my way to school today, I was riding behind to Vietnamese custom officials on 3 Thang 2 street. They are easy to recognize in their light blue shirts and navy blue slacks. All of a sudden I saw one of the custom officials drop a bunch of forms forcing me to swerve to the left.
Hmm, they looked like some official forms but I am not sure.
I wonder what they were…
Hey Kev–I was testing to see whether I could exclude certain categories from my main feed. It worked, so now anything in the “asides” category will not show up in my feed, which is what I wanted. Yes, show me your plugins. I am looking for one that displays my most commented on posts.
Sorry, I do not have that plug-in but I know about it. I know I will have to redo my website and put the Pages and Links somewhere else.
Here are my plugins:
All in One SEO Pack
Contact Form 7 (a must, includes CAPCHA to stop spam)
FeedBurner FeedSmithLive
Comment Preview (some users like this)
Subscribe To Comments
Upgrade Preflight Check
WordPress Database Backup
I want to add some maps and recent comments as well.
Cool–what does preflight check do? I think I might install the comment preview…I like this feature. Thanks:)
Preflight just makes sure your plug-ins are compatible with the latest WordPress release.
Hey, notice that a new version of WP is available now? Normally I like updates but with the slow bandwidth in Vietnam, it kind of complicates things.