It has been nearly over a year since my last reliable Yamaha Service Center closed down. I have not found a decent Yamaha Center since then. The ones in An Phu were terrible. My last trip to the Yamaha Center in An Phu was a nightmare. The one before that to a private repair shop was not even better. Thanks to my former housemate, Joe Creazzo of Dr. Joe Auto Speed Company, I found a good Yamaha Service Center in District 8 just across of the new Nguyen Van Cu bridge and very close to District 1.
These guys did a great job. I had them change the oil, rear brake pad, sparkplug, and air filter. The customer service was good and what was impressive, they could not speak English and my Vietnamese was limited. My total cost with VAT was 255,000 VND and I gave a 30,000 VND tip to the mechanic.
I highly recommend Van Phong Yamaha Service Center. According to Joe, he has about 8 total dealerships in Hanoi and HCMC.

Van Phong Yamaha Service Center, 128 Ba Trac, District 8 (about 1 km to the right after crossing the Nguyen Van Cu bridge)
Hi Kevin. Just wanted to ask which Yamaha branch you got your Nouvo from. Do certain showrooms have dual pricing for locals and expats? I am looking at getting either a nouvo or an airblade.
It should not matter where you bought your Nouvo. Prices are stated on the website. On popular bikes, the dealers will raise the price. I had to pay about 3 million VND more for my Nouvo since it was a new model. They also add the registration fee as well.
Most likely there are no dual pricing since they can only sell to Vietnamese customers, in theory that is. 🙂
Yeah I agree with you its a nice shop whit quick mechanics. They open just a few months ago. Also perfect location just 5 mins from my house.
I also must say that I do not had any heavy problems with my new 135″ Nouvo since I bought 2 years ago. I change oil after every 5000 km. Just adjust the breaks a bit thats all.
Agreed. My Nouvo LX is about 3 years old now, not many problems. I will keep it for another year and then upgrade. Should be a Nouvo 5 next year, hopefully a hybrid.