More problems in our house. We have a water leak somewhere in the house but we cannot find it.
Last week, the water meter guy knocked on my house door to tell me there was a problem with the reading. A couple months ago I used only 4 cubic meters of water. Last month it read 23 cubic meters. I just checked the meter today and in just 13 days, I used about 15 cubic meters of water.
This is impossible since my roommate and I are never home but both of us noticed our water pump going off every night (it normally goes off every 2-3 days).
I did some calculations and figured roughly 850 liters of water is being leaked PER day (about 187 gallons of water). We have no idea where the leaking water is going. We thought maybe the pipes are leaking. If so, it would have to be below the house. If it was leaking along the walls of the house, we would be able to see the water damage.
I am suspecting that the water might possibly be siphoned off by one of the neighbors (Yes this does happen in Vietnam). The water usage increased exactly at the same time my neighbor got new tenants. Just a suspicion at this time but I will know more clearly on Monday.
haha. poor u mr. Kev 😀 i doubt that ur neighbor is taking ur water secretly. and u r right. this does happen in vietnam ^^ usually this happens to electricity. u gotta figure it out asap! good luck 😀
grrrrr i hope u find out the truth kevin..
Your water leak sounds serious. Try turning off the water at the meter when you are not there and when you are sleeping. Can you put a lock on it?
how long do u plan to live here? u’re soo familiar with the Viet living style and everything rite?
@Ken: He is not taking it. I made it to the top of the house, there are no ‘pipes’ going that way 🙂
@itdoesmatter: We did, the main water pump is not working right so they will need to fix it. The water was leaking back into the water pump.
@Mike: We have to leave it on to keep the water tank full. The landlord will have to pay for the difference which will just be about 200,000 VND.
@Katy: Yeah but lately life here has been getting more frustrating. Not just for me but everyone in general in Saigon.
So, what is so frustrating in Saigon right now? My wifes family doesn’t speak English, and I don’t speak Viet, so I am unaware.
Ha, we have a similar problem. No idea why our water usage jumped up like that.
@Craig: Inflation is out of control. Road construction to help alleviate city flooding and traffic have made them both worse (we had a short rainstorm a couple weeks ago that flooded the street near my alleyway. It is still the dry season so I can imagine what will happen in the wet season). Today it took me three times as long to get from my house to the power and electricity companies. The list goes on creating frustrations for everyone.
@Huy: Check your water meter daily if you can. We are going to switch to ground water which is free at least until the ground water pump is fixed.