A dental group from Seattle will be arriving to Saigon later this week to spend a couple weeks providing dental education to orphanages, schools, and local people in Bien Hoa and Saigon. My University of Washingon Alumni Mentor is a patient of theirs back in Seattle.
You can read about their volunteer work and visit to Vietnam on their blog, Enjoyz It!.
I will meet them next week but in all honesty, I am scared of dentists. I have to make sure I keep my Ninja Pollution Mask on to protect my teeth from these dentists 🙂
Enjoyz It! blog -> http://enjoyzit.blogspot.com/
I like my dentist more than I like my mom.
My mom kept telling me to keep my big, fat mouth shut.
My dentist told me he prefers working on those with big, fat mouths.
@JJ 🙂
Rofl @ JJ.
Dentist is probably rank up there with car sales man as hated people lol.