One of the nice things about returning to Vietnam is that you can purchase Duty Free items at the Saigon Duty Free Shop for 5 working days. You will be amazed at how cheap items there are compared to Citimart or Coop Supermarket. I made two visits with friends to the Saigon Duty Free Shop this week in District 1.
Your Vietnamese friends will love you if you take them with you. There are a good collection of duty free cologne and perfume there, a far cry from the fake perfume and cologne that are sold at Diamond Plaza, Parkson or Zen Plaza.
(Cologne and Perfumes on Display)
(Other Duty Free items)
Saigon Duty Free Shop address:
102 Nguyen Hue Blvd., District1,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Telephone: (84.8) 823 4547 – 823 4548
Email: [email protected]
I can’t believe people are allowed to come back inside to shop for Duty Free after they leave the airport?! what kind of security is that? I’m glad to see that Chanel is in there. How about Dior, Yves saint Laurant , and Shiseido make- up? in case when I go to Vietnam, I can get some there.
Hey Lien:
Check the address of the Saigon Duty Free Shop. It is located in District 1 not the airport 🙂 I think this is the only duty free shop in Saigon.
You are asking the wrong person in regards to cosmetics 🙂 I just bought some baby oil, soap, and air fresheners…
Just for the sake of fairness – Diamond and Parkson do (should) not sell fake perfumes, all retailers are official representatives of the brands.
🙂 As one of my Vietnamese business friend put it, “Do you really think they could make a profit selling original perfumes and colognes at Diamond and Parkson with the high rent these two buildings charge?” Sell the fake stuff, bump up your profit margin, pay the rent, nobody knows…
…except that they do 🙂
Sumimasen. : )
When you said Saigon Duty free shop, I assumed that it was inside the airport like all major airports around the world.
You must have baby skin to need baby oil. 🙂 Can I call you ” em be “???
I hope you don’t buy anything from that Vietnamese business friend of your. Maybe, I have been living in the US too long, but it still doesn’t make it right. That is just wrong! This is one of the reason why I’m an anti- social person.
FYI, DP and Parkson work with turnover share mainly (with not too high minimal rental), only the shop-in-shops might pay sqm rental…
cool, thanks for the info Kevin.
There’s a Shiseido store in District 1. Even Clea de Peau (spelling?) I forgot the name of the street though. It’s opposite the big hotel. I forgot the name too 🙂 Sorry!!!