I want to introduce you all to a new Saigon Expat Blogger, Petro (Peter) Smith, from the US. Petro teaches English in Saigon. Visit his blog for a very thorough description of his experiences in Vietnam.
A belated welcome to you Petro to the Saigon Expat Blogging community.
The Rock of Saigon: Petro’s Adventures in Teaching -> http://therockofsaigon.blogspot.com/
Thanks Kevin, I don’t get too many readers so I appreciate the publicity hehe.
I’ve been in Vietnam since August last year and blogging slightly irregularly since then, but now I’m starting to look for other blogs to compare experiences. Great to be part of the community! Hopefully I’ll be compelled to blog more often, too. 🙂
Hi Peter, keep posting and add some pictures. You will get some new readers now 🙂
hey peter, found your blog through this link. Very interesting, thanks for sharing the experience!