At the Get Fit Gym, I know I get some strange looks when I use my lifting straps. I always use them in the gym when I do the Olympic Weightlifting workouts. I wear them for all of the Snatch-variant lifts, Deadlift variants and for any Power Clean-variant. I never use them for the full Cleans. My choice of lifting straps are the Short & Sweet Lifting Straps from Ironmind. I have used these in the past and I just love them.
Unfortunately for many weightlifters not used to them, they can be seen as too difficult to use. They are actually quite easy to use, I love them since I can release the straps quickly when I need to let go of the Olympic Bar. The photos below will show you how to use them:
The ones above are pretty warn out now. I have a new pair I will use when these die on me. I always keep a spare. I also have looped lifting straps from Ironmind but I prefer the ones above more.