This is the first time I could really get a shot of this picture on my motorbike. There is a new building near the alleyway where I live along Nguyen Trai Street. I can’t wait until they finish since it is making the alleyway a bit cramp. The building will most likely be a hotel. There are roughly 3 new hotels where I live which means I will be seeing more tourists around here.
Again, Saigon looks to be having a better year in 2012. Yeah, I know, when the newspapers are now positive on 2012’s outlook for Vietnam’s development but I am more positive this year.

I walk by there a lot on my way to the Sushi Bar at Zen Plaza. I always look to see if you are out sitting in the alley. I miss living on that same block, different alley, because of how conveniently located it is, but the constant construction noise is not missed. Living in a penthouse in Q. 4 now, far above the fray is much more relaxing for us.
@Clifton Oh, you should have called me, I will walk with you. I need the exercise. Dist 4 is nice. I will try to visit you next week if you are free. I think I saw you at Stella’s once but I could not get your attention.
@kevmille I am heading back to California this Sunday, I will return here before the end of March. I’d love to see you before I go, or after I return next month.
@Clifton How about lunch tomorrow?
I’d love to! When and where?
@Clifton 11:30 AM at Stellas?
@kevmille OK! I will see you at Stellas at 11:30AM tomorrow..
@Clifton Confirmed