One of the most talked about stories in the US is about the nearly 1 million backlog of Veteran Affair’s claims for benefits. Many Vets, including those who served in both Irag and Afghanistan, are having to wait 1-2 years, some longer, for approval to use even the VA Hospital for injuries that incurred during battle. This is ridiculous. Some Vets have called for Secretary Shinseki’s resignation. Shinseki has overseen the VA with one of the biggest increases in VA claims ever in the history of the VA.
I started the ironDevilDog.com blog to focus on my issues dealing with the VA resulting from my training injuries over 20 years ago. Since there are many Vietnam War veterans reading my blog as well, I will also focus on Vet issues here as well.
Below is a short video by Concerned Veterans of America that can give you a quick picture of what is really going on with the VA for Vets. By the way, it has been roughly 545 days since my VA case has been reopened by my lawyer.
is the million claim backlog new claims, claims under appeal or cases headed for the bav? my deased husband’s appeal has finally been certified for the bav after five years, even though the president office sent in back into the oakland office for review. never received a letter from oakland from october 2010 to april 2013 when it was finally certified. i have a question. have any other veterans had the dav represent them and ask them to drop claims in order to get 100% disability immediately if they drop part of the claims. this was done to larry in 2008. he received the 100% rating and appealed the blackmail dropping of claims for earlier start date and chroncicity. it has been certifed for the earlier start date and chroncicity. also aid and attendance claim. the rating boad had the never to say larry went to bed voluntary after kidney failure, liver failure and spine surgery of osteomylitis. one year of bedrest. only allowed to sit at a 45 degree angle with a brace that he had to be rolled into. but this was all voluntary.
The Million Claim Backlog are for all claims including appeals and claims being reopened such as mine.
Veterans are encouraged to use VSO, veteran service organizations, such as the DAV to help with the filing. I personally used a lawyer that the VA approved to handle my case since it is quite complicated.
I am not sure what you mean by dropped claims? Can you clarify?