This was just posted by the VietnamNet Bridge newsite. I had to blink my eyes a couple times to see if it was serious and sure enough, it was. How often do you hear water buffaloes killing anything? Never but I may be wrong.
Anyway, a crazed water buffalo killed two people today and injured three more. All that was reported was that the untethered buffalo starting butting and passerby without any provocation. Eventually the water buffalo was shot and killed.
Unfortunately we will never know what caused the water buffalo to become ‘mad’. There never seems to be any followups in news reporting in Vietnam yet.
Any ideas?
Read more here -> Mad buffalo kills 2
It could be a case of Rabies. I’ve been doing a lot of reading about rabies lately because my nephew was biten by a pet dog. Although, rabie infection is rare in the U.S. it is very scary because once symtoms shows up, death is almost always certain. I’ve been very worried about my nephew even though most likely he’ll be ok because he did go to ER for treatment of the bite and he is visit his family doctor tomorrow. A rabid animal can become very agressive and have behavior that is unusual.
seen it on vnexpress or something. unheard of in fact. when i was young (very very young) i was very afraid of cows (especially those with scary horns) but generally the buffaloes looked pretty nice.
They found a large tumor in the stomach.
This is a typical case of “over-worked” and paid very little or nothing…!!!
@Lai Rai: You’re right, could be a casae of “Over-worked and Under-paid.” On a more serious note, I think the owner should be held responsible for the incident. The tumor doesn’t really develop overnight, so the owner should have already known that the buffalo was sick and easily agitated. They should have made certain that the buffalo was tethered.