Wow, after one week of using Litter Kwitter‘s Cat Toilet Training System, I am thoroughly impressed.
I watched the DVD included in the Litter Kwitter box which was very informative. All of the information was included in the manual as well.
I knew training Smokey, who is now 3 years old, would be easy. He started from a sandbox (with real sand), three years ago, to real kitty litter. He can literally go anywhere.
I was a little worried about Jenny, who is now about 7 months old. She had her own tiny litter box but about a week before, I moved her litter box next to Smokey’s. She started to use his litter box which, for me, was a good sign since I had only one Litter Kwitter set.
Last Monday night, I removed their litter boxes and put the Litter Kwitter, filled with kitty litter, next to the kitchen toilet. I introduced both cats to the Litter Kwitter.
(I put the Litter Kwitter next to the toilet for two days)
In the morning, I checked the Litter Kwitter. Yep, they BOTH used it. That evening they used it again (I checked around the house as well to be sure they were not going anywhere else). The next day they used it again so on Wednesday, I moved the Litter Kwitter unto the toilet. They were both re-introduced.
For the last three days, they have used the Litter Kwitter very well. Smokey made a mess but it was left on the toilet seat so it was easily cleaned. He did not make the same mistake again.
I think that Monday night, I may be able to introduce the orange tray to both cats. I will let you know what happens then…
(Smokey’s introduction)
(Jenny’s introduction)
A friend of mine tried this with his 3 cats. He was using a homemade cardboard kit. All was well untill his 10 pounder stepped into the hole and fell into the toilet. After that, they never went near the toilet again
Good luck! Hope it works.
I moved to the amber tray today. Jenny has adjusted to it very well. Made most of her litter go into the hole. Smokey is struggling but he will probably get with the program knowing the new kitten can do it 🙂