Thanks to Tracy Reed for sending this link.
It is nice to see a low-cost laptop making it’s way to Vietnam. I remember playing with this laptop when Acer showed it to us at the ICT Conference last July. At that time, it was running a version of Ubuntu Linux which was, I hate to say it, a bit slow. If this is the same laptop, then choosing Hacao Linux, a derivative of Puppy Linux, is a good choice. Hacao Linux is one of the very few distributions that actually focuses on the Vietnamese language populations within Vietnam.
From the article:
An ultra-low-cost laptop for children will be soon be available for purchase in computer stores in Vietnam. The “Hacao Classmate PC” is based on Intel’s Classmate PC design, and will come pre-installed with Hacao Linux, a Vietnamese-language Linux distribution based on Puppy Linux.
This may be a project the Vietnam Professional Linux User Group (ViPLUG) can take up in helping promote Linux from the bottom-up in Vietnam.
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Intel Classmate, Asus Eee, OLPC’s XO, there’s lots of great low cost laptops coming out this year! I never really liked the big bulky expensive laptops. I doubt I’ll get an Intel Classmate but I do plan to pick up an Eee and an XO. If the XO is as nice as I hope I might even pick one up for Trang’s little brother.
Trang just had her first Halloween here. She had a great time handing out candy to the 20 or so kids who came by our door. At first she didn’t understand what was going to happen but when she saw all of the kids running around in costume and ringing our doorbell she got it. But she still doesn’t understand why the neighbors across the street would make their house look like a graveyard which she considers to be very bad luck. 🙂
The Eee PC will be popular in Vietnam due to it’s size. With the increase in stolen laptops from motorbikes, I think Asus has the market. The Classmate PC is a bit slow but should be great out in the provinces but not in the cities.
I missed Halloween here, too busy to go to the parties.