While a Marine Reservist, I was briefly attached to a Marine Corps Reserve squadron, VMAQ-4, stationed at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island in Oak Harbor, Washington. My squadron had 6 EA-6B Prowlers, an electronic countermeasures aircraft. I was a Flight Equipment Marine (known as Parachute Riggers in the Navy).
Here is a good YouTube video on the EA-6B Prowler:
Thanks Kevin,
Takes me back to my Navy days when I was on the USS Saratoga CVA-60.
I worked in V-2 division Video taping all lauches and recoveries and camera operations. Mike
I never got to go on an aircraft carrier. I was working on a pilot slot with the Marine Corps Platoon Leader Course but I injured my knees so I was unable to pursue that career. Changed my life since my childhood goal of being a pilot ended and now I am in Vietnam on my true destiny 🙂