Two days ago, trucks starting bringing in big rocks for my alleyway. It looks like they are ready to repave my alleyway 🙂
(The trucks kept me up all night – A good thing 🙂 )
(Most of the alleyway has been leveled last night)
(Main alleyway entrance from the canal)
The local police said that by New Year, we will have a repaved alleyway meaning less dust, finally 🙂
sweet man 😀
Well, it is nearly midnight but no big trucks 🙁 They will have to hurry and pave the road before people start stealing those rocks 🙂
Hey, the construction looks better than when i was last there. Um, been too busy to blog. My classes are great but too many, i am going a little nuts. Thank goodness it’s over now. I look forward for a break but i still have Cleverlearn. How are things with you? You gotta update me okie. Merry Xmas, KEV!!!!
@Annie: I hope they pave it tonight. I found that there was a huge opening on my upper windows where all the dust from the road is coming in. Once they pave the alleyway, the majority of the dust will be gone 🙂
Merry X-Mas to you too. I switched to ST’s General English program but will not resume teaching until after Tet.