I spent a day in the Co Do Farm region. The Co Do area I was at was roughly 50 km from Can Tho. I took a Mai Linh Taxi all the way there. Cost me only about 440,000 VND ($26 USA). Taxi is still relatively cheap to travel between cities if it is a must.
Co Do Farm is actually more a commune in Communist terminology. A highway is in the building process and should be completed within the year. It will bring more prosperitity to the local area as buses, transport, etc., will have easier access. The property prices will raise as well. A good thing 🙂
I took a bunch of photos in the Co Do Farm particularly of my friend’s house:
(Chickens walking everywhere – I’m hungry!)
(Canal behind the house)
(This boat is not usable I heard)
(Coconuts – I did not have any on this trip)
(I kept telling him he was fat)
(The new highway to be completed in a year)
(Front gate)
(Nice palm tree)
(Possibly a small dry fish pond)
(Garden area)
(Front walkway to the highway)
(Front view of the house)
(Another view of the canal)
(Front of the house)
(Black Duck soon to be supper)
(Another view os the canal)
(Basa fish pond)
(Tet Day 2 Morning)
A beautiful home and surroundings. I’ll bet the mosquitos are thick at night? Sounds like you had a great time. Just the thing I want to do when we move there. Thanks for sharing.
Yeah, I got 50 bites to prove it. My repellent wore off in the middle of the night I guess 🙂
Being it is a small town, did you get a lot of the kids yelling hello to you? I kinda think you can just blend in as a Vietnamese easy though.
Not in this town. Send me an email and I will explain why.
I love your blog… in comment to what Tuan said… yeah… many of those kids in the country-side make me smile… shouting… “Hey you! What your name.” Then if you answer they run away laughing.
I too enjoy your blog Kevin, just not enough photos. Was in Can Tho just overnight, but houses along road surrounded by water is the norm and i miss it already.
@Croakie: I never saw many kids there. Lifestyle is pretty secluded here.
@Huy: Can Tho surprised me, I will visit more often in the future.