It has now been roughly 5 months since I started a predominately plant-based diet. I made the decision to switch to a more vegetarian diet after getting my DNA results from 23andme. According to my Health DNA results from Promethease, I am at a high risk for most cancers. From my research, meat is a big trigger for most cancers. Hence I decided to give it up as much as I can.
Below are my readings before I started a plant-based diet:

As you can tell, my blood pressure was good but my heart rate (bpm) was a bit higher than I wanted. The 120 range is now considered pre-hypertension which was a normal range for me when I was in Kazakhstan, and later, China. Things changed as I transitioned to a plant-based diet:

Both my blood pressure and heart rate dropped. I had read in a couple books that the ideal BP to not worry about heart disease and clogged arteries was around 114/75. I was a bit surprised I stayed below that number since January. My good BPM surprised me as well.
Now I did slip and eat a couple hamburgers during the last 5 months. On occasion, I ate some chicken as well but not often. I do eat fish a couple times a week so I guess I am more of a pescetarian then vegetarian. My goal is to be a full vegetarian in about a year. I doubt I could be a full vegan though.
Still, overall, my heart is doing much better then a year ago and I am happy about that.