Yeah guys, this is the internet for you in Vietnam. I was trying to access my website and emails for I did a mtr to check for the packet loss and traceroute and got the following information:
The problems seems to have resolved itself so I can access my website again. The packet routing was ‘messed’ up by FPT as usual though they will probably blame VDC.
Just for fun I tracked some IP’s and found that the packets are going all over the place…not very good routing at all, although I heard that routing is actually controlled by VDC.
I know but it is fun to blame FPT 🙂
I dont know, maybe you can help me clear this problem I been wondering about. Is it true that the vietnamese government monitor ur internet activity?
Most likely but I have not heard a story of anyone being arrested or anything. Normally questionable sites are just filtered out.
Hmmmmmmm, thx for the info, i guess i wont be doing anything stupid right now 🙂