Amazing what a year makes. ATMs are everywhere in Saigon. I can even find HSBC ATMs all over Saigon now saving me a bundle in ATM fees ($40/month). There are three convenient locations that I can use regularly now. My favorite location being Pham Ngu Lao.
Below is ANZ’s ATM near the corner of Dien Bien Phu and Le Quy Don in District 3.
O.o 40 dollars a month in ATM fee is pretty steep.
@Tuan: I know, that is why I like having more HSBC ATMs 🙂
Nice to know you found one ATM.
As a resident of Saigon you might do a real service for your readers by including web site links listing
the ATM’s of various banks, such as this one for HSBC:
Hi Kevin,
I stumbled across your website while doing research for my fast-approaching trip to Vietnam. I was wondering if something I read elsewhere on the Internet is true: that the daily limit on the amount of money you can get from an ATM in Vietnam is a lot less than it is in the US–2 million dong (approximately $100 US, as opposed to the US standard of about $300/day). Is that true for all ATMs? My typical M.O. when I travel is to get cash as I need it, but if I’m going to be this severely restricted, I may have to bring cash with me…
@Ben Thanks.
@Chloe: True at some Vietnamese banks but with HSBC, I can take out $500 or more per day if I want. Not an issue anymore.
Thank you!! That’s good to know. I think I’ll bring just a little cash with me and rely on my ATM card as I go!
@Chloe: Have fun in Vietnam.
Chloe: At ANZ you can draw up to 9 million (Over $500) if I remember correctly – it might be even more – but they only give you a maximum of 40 bills at a time, so if they have VND500 000 bills you’re in luck, otherwise you may have to make multiple transactions.
Ben: There’a fold-out brochure available at ANZ ATMs listing all their locations in Saigon.
I’m starting to sound like their representative now (how about a job Mr Bank Manager?)!
@henno: Thanks for the info. Boy getting money out of ATMs are so much easier these days 🙂