Yeah, I am teaching my high school students at the American International School how to use Linux to develop websites. Created a website since I am a bit, umm, lazy to print out all the Tutorials for them.
A couple students were surprised that they can use Linux commands with their Macbooks and iPhones 🙂
AIS Computer Science course website ->
so ugly
F for you 🙂
They have macbooks? I never saw a single mac in all of VN. Trang has never seen one either. I thought they simply didn’t exist over there.
They got an Apple store in Vietnam for awhile now. Also, FPT has been selling Macbooks for at least over a year now. I almost bought one but settled for my Thinkpad.
Many of the Macbooks are also being brought in from the US. I am tempted into getting one for myself.
Be sure to remind them all that they are UNIX users. 🙂 I’ve got an OLPC XO laptop coming soon. Looking forward to playing with it. I’ll probably end up sending it back to Vietnam for Trang’s little brother. The Asus EEE is pretty sweet so far. I should write up a blog entry about it.
I do tell them that they are Linux users now. Actually, I told them they are now Advanced Computer users 🙂