Something really amazing happened this morning. I normally walk Lucky and keep her on a tight leash. Today, something inside me told me it was time to let Lucky loose. I needed to see if my training the last couple of months beared any fruit. As I was about to finish Lucky’s walk, I let her off the leash. I was so nervous and worried she would run away. Lucky first walked away and then she ran. She got maybe a couple minutes of “freedom” but she was happy. Then she did something that really shocked me. I called her name and watched her wag her tail. She then ran towards me. I petted her put her back on the leash and took her home. I rewarded Lucky with many dog biscuits, pets, hugs, etc. If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, it was meant to be 🙂
(Lucky listened to my command, “Sit” very well. She is good with the commands, “Kennel,” “Sit,” “Stay,” and “Lie.” I will teach her more in the coming months.)
(Freedom!!! Will she come back? I was amazed how fast she ran 🙂 )
(Lucky outside the gate of my house. She ate a big meal of biscuits and mixed soft/hard dog food.)
i thought Vietnamese dog can’t understand English
She doesn’t speak Vietnamese very well 🙂