This is an interesting article from today in regards to the sulfur content of vehicle fuels here in Vietnam. With the large increase of automobiles and motorbikes this year, there is a noticeable increase of pollution both here in Saigon and Hanoi. Anyone riding a motorbike today without a mask may notice a shortness of breath when trying to speak with someone while driving.
The question is whether gas stations in Vietnam will be able to adopt the new 0.05 percent standard of sulfur content for unleaded fuels (0.025 percent for diesel fuels). Furthermore, how can Vietnam meet Euro 2 emission standards when over 60 percent of motorbikes, including my Yamaha Nouvo, would fail these standards?
I told my parents not to visit Vietnam until the pollution here decreases. This is a positive start by the Vietnamese government
Read Article here -> Vietnam takes ban on high-sulfur vehicle fuels seriously
lien says
You have been posting a lot of pictures. Winlock looks like a nice place to live. I don’t see any shopping malls on your posting. What is the populations? I like to live where there is nobody around, and yes, I’m an anti-social person. Just alittle. are you over your jet lag, yet?
SaigonNezumi (Kevin) says
Walmart is about 20 minutes away with many small shops around it. Olympia is several malls about 40 minutes away. Population of Centralia is about 30,000, Chehalis is smaller, and I think Winlock may be around 3,000 but I am not sure. I am not from Winlock, just Centralia.