I am a big fan of Tux Typing. I have been using it in the classroom here in Saigon for about three years now. It is a great open source program to get students interested in learning how to type. This summer, my Vietnamese Immersion Students at the American International School will spend about three weeks learning how to touch type in my computer class.
As an incentive, I told my students that whoever reaches Level (Wave) 100 (Ace level medium words) will get an automatic 100 percent on all ten of their keyboarding quizzes. One student got to level 94 yesterday! 🙂 I think 1/3 of the class will eventually rreach this level!
(My student using Tux Typing on my computer)
(My students are interested in each other’s progress)
(This student reached level 94!)
A great stength of Tux Typing is that it forces students to type properly. The students who looked at the keyboard while they typed tended to get a lower score than the students who typed “correctly”! 🙂