My last blog update for today, I promise. I have many more pictures to add this week from my short trip to Phnom Penh.
The photos below are shots of the Tonle Sap from the restaurant where I had breakfast. The Tonle Sap flows into the Mekong River at this point.
(Tonle Sap flowing into the Mekong River at the far right)
Ah. Technically, that’s the Tonle Sap River joining the Mekong River. The Tonle Sap itself is a ways off from Phnom Penh:,106.677222&sspn=0.265087,0.300064&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Tonle+Sap,+Kampong+Leaeng,+Kampong+Chhnang,+Cambodia&ll=12.007085,104.740906&spn=2.111469,2.400513&z=9
Which is a good thing–the Tonle Sap can grow to 10x it’s dry season size during the monsoons, which would pretty much wipe out Pnnom Penh. 🙂