Many Expats may not realize it but smoking in public and work places is now illegal in Vietnam as of January 1st, 2010. As per many of the Vietnamese laws, though, it is not being strictly enforced. Many coffee shops and restaurants still have ash trays on the tables. I was at Highlands over a week ago and told them that there is a smoking ban. They had no idea and allowed the customers to continue puffing away.
Yesterday at Obrien’s, I heard the waitress tell an Expat that the law only applies to Vietnamese, not foreigners. I thought it was a little funny.
This law is interesting in that both the violaters and owners of the establishments must pay the fine which ranges from 50,000-100,000 VND ($1.64-2.68 US).
You know, this could be a good moneymaker for the authorities if they do it right. You know, go to a club late at night which is normally smoke packed. Then fine the owner for the number of people that are there (since there are no way to determine who really is smoking) and multiply that by 2 (owner has to pay the fine for the patrons as well since nobody knows who really are smoking). Depending on the size of the club, the fine could be around $1500-3000 US. Multiply that by the many, many clubs open in Saigon, or Hanoi, each day and you could buy yourself a nice Mercedes after a week!
Hey, just an idea… 🙂
Edit: The law for restaurants, cafes, etc., will be enforced next year. Read the comments below…
If I remember, they proposed this idea a few years ago, and Vietnamese went BESERK.
I think the helmet law had to be attempted a few times as well.
Smoking is only banned in public places like parks and government facilities.
The ban is private places like restaurants, cafes and nightclubs is not till 2011.
The ban will prohibit smoking in classrooms, pre-schools, health centres, libraries, cinemas, theatres, factories, office buildings and on public transportation.
Smoking will still be permitted in sports centres, stadiums, exhibition centres, lounges, entertainment centres, restaurants, hotels and discotheques in designated smoking areas.
A provision calls for smoking to be forbidden in all public places by the end of next year. PM Dung asked relevant authorities in the Ministry of Health to take responsibility for enforcing the ban. Fines of between VND50,000-100,000 will be imposed on violators.
Really? Got to wait another year then 🙁