I have been quite busy the last month developing with WordPress. Oddly enough, I had about 6 requests for WordPress sites from friend and colleagues during this time. WordPress has come a long ways and with the large number of developers and designers behind it, WordPress is becoming the permier web content management system. It is perfect for small to medium company websites at the moment.
During this time, I decided to play with some of the features WordPress themes and plugins are now providing to users. When one of my clients needed to manage their photos, I found NextGen, a great photo gallery plugin. I loved it so much, I decided to use if for myself.
Essentially I have 3 websites with pictures of my trips around the world since 1997. I decided to aggregate them into one photo blog using the free Arras Theme. Presto, Qeeboa is born. Qeeboa is derived from the word, keyboard, invented by one of my students almost 2 years ago. Since I already registered the domain name, I decided to use it for my new photo blog.
Some of you will notice that I use the name Kentai Matsunaga on the site. Matsunaga is my family name from my Japanese mother’s side. Kentai was my Kazakh name that I went by for two years (1997-1999). In Kazakh, it is deprived from a word small since many Kazakhs felt I was, well, small. It also have meaning in Japanese as well. Ken means sword, tai means body. I will explain later why I will plan to use Kentai Matsunaga in the future.
In the meantime, view some of the photos of the various cities I visited since 1997. I plan to put most of my pictures there.
Beautiful site Kevin…like the theme and how you made it your own.
Kentai Matsunaga is a really cool Japanese name…sounds like one of those classic samurai names in Toshiro Mifune films. 🙂
I like it as well.
WT*??? I had to approve my own comment 🙂
Nice site, Kevin. I like the lay out. Btw, how come the pictures are in small resolution?
I uploaded lower resolution pictures. I did not have higher ones. That will change in the future though.
Curious as to why one would choose a photoblog over something more social, with better reach, like Flickr. I simply let Flickr post back to my blog, getting the best of both worlds.