Edit 1: I mistakenly called this Borobudur, I just made the corrections.
Well, this week I will do more posts from my Summer, 2014, trip to Indonesia. Today’s post will focus on Prambanan, the Hindu Temple a couple hours outside of Yogyakarta, Again, my friends from VMT recommended I visit Yogyakarta when I got to Indonesia. I am glad I did.
Prambanan is a really nice tourist site. It has been destroyed many times by earthquakes but this time there seems to be effort to rebuild the entire temples though it will take time. My driver brought me there at which point I hired a tour guide. He took me to the good areas and gave me a good background in the history of the temple. I highly recommend visiting Prambanan when traveling to Indonesia. Yogyakarta is the second most visited tourist spot after Bali.
Enjoy the photos below: