I decided to make some changes to SaigonNezumi.com. I changed the theme to Grid Focus by 5ThirtyONE. I really enjoy this theme since it can be easily customized. As you will notice, there is less clutter in the right two columns. I removed the Blogger’s Link and added them to their own page within this blog at:
The Vietnam Links were also moved to their own page as well:
I also decided to change the name of the blog as well. SaigonNezumi.com will now be known as SaigonNezumi’s Expat Pragmatist. Expat Pragmatist was my other blog focusing on things such as the New World Order, the Japanese Samurai, Global Warming, etc. I decided to combine these blogs since I did not have the time to maintain both of them. This will be the third time I changed the name of this blog. The first name, if some of you can remember, was AmerasianWorld.com.
You can reach this blog at the following three URLs:
One of my goals is to better monetize this blog. I will allow more advertisements, besides Google Adsense, to my blog now.
I hope you enjoy this new theme. Please send me your feedback and comments.
Nice new theme, congrats! I like it, cleaner but elegant.