Sorry guys for bailing out on Maxim’s last night. I have two projects due tomorrow morning and another one to complete hopefully before Tet. I have been burning the midnight oil the last couple of days.
Last night I actually had 4 computers going at the same time. On my 6-year old Dell Inspiron 8100 notebook (bottom-left in below photo), I just installed CentOS 5. As the night went on, I installed PostreSQL, Sun JDK, Tomcat, Apache Ant and openBravo ERP on the notebook through secure shell from my PC-BSD desktop.
I was running KTorrent on my openSUSE Thinkpad T60 (left of LCD monitor in photo). I like to watch the latest Gundam anime cartoons from Japan whenever I can.
As I was waiting for openBravo to download, I decided to flash the latest version of OS2007 to my Nokia N800 Internet Tablet and got Apache and SSH running in it as well. Now I can have my students save their projects on my tiny N800. No need to carry a laptop on my motorbike anymore.
Everything openBravo finished downloading at around 2 AM (slow bandwidth last night). I also completed the template for the new Saigon Linux Group website.
I finally crashed by 3 AM and fell asleep.
(Four working BSD/Linux systems at my computer desk)