Today, VNPT came to repair my phone line for the second time in two months. The workers next door damaged the line again. After he finished, my landlord’s workers were raising my front door and sliding gate. The whole thing needs to be raised since our alleyway will be raised at the same level as the street next to the canal. That also means my first floor needs to be raised to avoid any of the street flooding. All the construction work should be completed by Sunday night but it does mean I have to stay around my house to keep an eye on the workers. As of now, I am stuck in my house on a Friday night. The front doors, it turns out, are not really secure. I will have a sleepless night tonight…
(Nobody is spotting the telephone man’s ladder – A brave guy)
(Front doors have been raised)
(Lot of work still left to be done)
Lastly, some have asked me why I do not leave. One, I like it here, I can sleep at night (well not tonight). Also, once the construction is done, I can open the house up to housemates again. I will convert one room into an office for my future import/export company. My landlord already agreed to it. Lastly, I really like it here (^_^).