If you are a US veteran with a service connected injury, there are several good hospitals you can use in Saigon. I currently use both Family Medical Practice and the International SOS hospitals. Both now have experience with US vets and can fill out the DBQ forms.
For service connected injuries, the Veterans Affairs Foreign Medical Program will cover the costs of your treatment and evaluations. The downside is you have to pay up front and send your receipts to the US. About two months later you will get reimbursed.
Family Medical Practice
This is my favorite hospital, staff is very friendly. The will give you a quotation before you visit them. I will do my physical therapy there. The Family Medical Practice is located next to Diamond Plaza.
International SOS
Another good hospital but a bit expensive. I had to go here to finish an evaluation Family Medical Practice could not complete. They have one doctor with experience working with US vets. A big plus.
FV Hospital
FV Hospital refused to do my evaluation so Vets should avoid this hospital. They do not want to sign any US government documents.
Cho Ray Hospital
Forget this hospital even though the US Consulate will refer you there. It will take too long and they do not know how to fill out the DBQs. Since the Foreign Medical Program will cover service connected injuries, just use Family Medical Practice or the International SOS hospitals.
If you are a vet that needs help with this process in Saigon, just let me know so I can help you.