Today is Veteran’s Day in the US. Happy Veteran’s Day to all the US veterans that served to protect the US, freedom, and democracy. Veterans will always be an important part to the history of the United States of America.
In Saigon, there are many Vietnam Vets living here now as well as other US Vets. I personally know Vets in Saigon who have served in the US Navy, Air Force, Marines Corps an US Army. If you see a Vet, today is a good time to buy them a drink. Veterans have it tough in the US these days and in the past. I wrote about my experiences as a veteran last month.
Below is a good Veteran’s Day video that was broadcasted in 2010:
Sorry, I forgot to tell you Happy Birthday this year Kevin. Belated wishes to you, Marine!
Are the Marines just this easy to market? The recruiting ads are always SO great! Does DOD have the best AD execs on the planet, or what. The ads always make me regret that I never had the mettle to join the Marines, or the sense to serve in one of the easier branches. I can only imagine what these ads stir in young men and women who actually have what it takes.
Kevin, I hope you are in a place now to feel the pride of your service.
Thanks Craig. Marines are easy to market but the training is hard. If I remember right, the Marines still have greater then 20% drop out rate. It is not easy to get through.
How are you these days?