Well, I decided to wake up early and ride my motorbike to Thu Duc. It is about a 40 minute motorbike ride from District 5 to Thu Duc. I needed to return a helmet to someone.
The ride was nice. Traffic was heavy, especially on the highway. As usual, the traffic police were on the highway but they just let me by. In Saigon, the traffic police never stop foreignors. They know we do not have motorbike licenses but Hanoi told them to leave us alone. Makes things nice when I go down the highway at 80 kph even though the speed limit is 30 kph (Most people go about 40-50 kph which is what I normally do).
Anyway, I made it to Thu Duc. I can’t believe I lived there for four months. It is really loud and dusty there. I prefer District 5 now. It is closer to my work as well.
Getting back was no problem. When I got to District 5, I decided just to cruise around to check out my new surroundings. There are a lot of stores where I live. A bakery is about a ten minute walk from where I live.
Cross-posted at: http://kevmille.livejournal.com/59405.html