I tested out eat.vn last week and used their services again a couple days ago. They aim to be Vietnam’s best website home delivery service. So far I have to say that I am quite happy with their service.
The process to ordering is quite easy. First you select what location you live at, for me that was District 1. Step 2 you select the restaurant you want to order food from. The last step you place your order. Once your order is placed, they will give a delivery time. Mine were normally about 24-26 minutes and both deliverers made it to my house within 1 minute of the stated times. That surprised me.
I ordered from Burger Oi the first time and City Diner with my second order. The deliverer for the first order was nicer then the second. The later was not happy when I gave 500,000 VND and needed change and he expressed it.
Yes, I know there is a competitor, vietnammm.com but to be honest, eat.vn is much easier to remember. Also, vietnammm.com does not offer the same amount of restaurants that eat.vn offers. Uyen Vu from People with Ideas, the proprietor of eat.vn, definitely did her job and created a good product. eat.vn will be the winner for me here.
My only issues with eat.vn is that the site sometimes loads up slow. Also, for those of us that use the iPad, you will notice that you have to scroll up Safari to see your orders. Maybe a nice iPhone/iPad/Android app Uyen?
Great job Uyen and People with Ideas with eat.vn. Too bad I am going back on my diet today. 🙂
Thanks Kevin for using our site and nice words about http://www.eat.vn
We are trying to improve it day by day, with more restaurants, more options.
And the problem with the speed, Ipad/ Iphone are already in our list of “must-do” thing. Thanks for it.
Soon, we will have more options for healthy food and you still can keep your diet with http://www.eat.vn
Uyên V?
Yep, I hope so Uyen. 🙂
Dude, I’m starting to think you’re an investor in Eat.vn. What do you mean “vietnammm.com does not offer the same amount of restaurants that eat.vn offers”?
I just counted, and in D1, Eat.vn has 15 restaurants. Vietnammm.com has 29 – almost double.
Nope not an investor. eat.vn will get more of the restaurants in the end just by reputation. No competition here. 🙂
Oh, I am not an investor.