When I moved into this house back in January, 2006, there was a room on one of the top floors that some called the “evil” room. Every time someone passed by this room, they always felt uncomfortable with this room. A housemate dubbed this room the “spiritual” room since he said it did not feel evil. It is actually a relatively nice room, the only one in the house with a bathtub.
My cat always seems to like to run in and out of this room. My dog sleeps just up the steps from that room.
A friend says it may be a ghost inside of that room. I keep the door closed now but at times, I find it open. Other times, it is difficult to keep shut.
This morning I woke up sweating. My room had been a nice and cool 26 C when I went to bed at about 1230 AM. I woke up hot wondering if my air conditioner was working. I got off my bed and saw my door wide open.
What is strange about this was that I had locked my door earlier in the evening before watching some dvds. Before midnight, I went to turn off the lights. The switch was next to the door. The door was closed.
When I shut the door I noticed that the door knob was still locked. I tried to open it with it locked, it would not budge.
Is there is ghost in my house…still?
hey kevin,
sends some pics of that room to my email. would be keen to check it out.
Wow! That is very eerie…
You don’t have a history of sleep walking?
Restful sleep is precious and I hope that this mystery doesn’t affect your ability to sleep soundly.
Nah. There is a logical answer to this. Maybe your cat pushed a partially locked door open. Stranger things have happened.
My hair stands. . . . .
There’s once I had the feeling of being watched in my previous house. It happens after my housemate move out. Only in my room, I felt safe. After a week, I finally get the courage to go into that room & check. I open all the windows, closet doors etc. I close it after a few hours, after that, the feeling of being watch is gone. My friend’s mum says that a spirit might have come back with my housemate & by opening the window to ‘air’ it, it’s actually an act of getting them out. 🙂
Who knows, but the strangest thing happened to me a few weeks ago. I went to bed in my bedroom and woke up the next morning in the empty guest bedroom. I have no memory of going in there…and I never sleep in there. It was freaky to know I had been sleepwalking.
@Christian: Okay, I will try to get a shot for you but I am not sure it is worth seeing 🙂
@Clifton: I am not a sleepwalker. I actually am not scared of ghosts anymore. Buddhists are not supposed to be anyway. I slept like a baby the next night.
@Mike: In Asia, it is better to throw logic out of the door and focus on reality instead 🙂 People believe in ghosts here.
@Chris: Oh yeah, the feeling you get when the hair in the back of your neck stands out. They say when this happens, there is a ghost nearby. I do not feel this often in my house anymore but I remember when an old roommate of mine and I felt a ghost at the same time.
@Preya: Maybe you teleported in your sleep like in Heroes, one of my favorite shows. If you can teleport, bring me a cherry coke 🙂
Ha. If I could teleport, I don’t think the guest bedroom would be my first choice of destinations, right? Maybe I need to hone my skills a bit:)
well dude wat evr ur feelingz r do u hv any enmies or do u believe in ghostz i mean dat ghostz r evrwhr n im muslim in da quran itz writtten too dat ghostz r present n dnt be afraid all u hv 2 do is pray n remember GOD only …………juzt add me n i will tell u wat 2 do diz is my email [email protected]