One of the joys for Olympic Weightlifters now is that there are many places to lift due to the popularity of Crossfit. This was not true in the 1990s. I have now worked out in 5 Crossfit gyms in 4 countries.
Crossfit Bellwether
Crossfit Bellwether is my current gym in Shanghai. It was a bit of a surprise for me since I did not know it was near where I work when I visited Shanghai. The Crossfitters are active and competitive. I normally take one corner to do my lifts. They have a former national weightlifter coaching and helping run the gym.

Saigon Sports Club
SSC is my goto gym in Saigon. They are the only gym that allows me to the Olympic Lifts. It is an interesting gym since the MMA guys work out there. I got many PRs at this gym.

Reactor Crossfit
My favorite gym in Almaty, Kazakhstan. I miss it already. My trainer for a year was the former national coach for the Kazakhstan Weightlifting team. Ilya Ilyin and his team used to work out at Reactor. In fact he supports this box. I enjoyed my time at Reactor and would love to return to Almaty just to workout there.

Crossfit Bruteforce
My temporary gym for a year until Reactor moved closer. Their hours was great so I could workout anytime. The staff was great as well.