The last three days, I have seen power outages in the Phu Nhuan District, District 12, District 10, Tan Binh District, and today in both District 1 and 3. This is quite unsual for Vietnam these days. In this article, EVN states they can only meet 70 percent of the real power demand in the whole country. Not a good sign for a developing country.
Things will probably not improve anytime soon. This rainy season has been rainless and hotter than normal. Sometimes it feels like the humid dry season. You almost have to leave your air conditioners on at full power everywhere. My computer lab at school has three new aircons but they fail to cool the room.
Conservation is key here. It will not cost a lot of money for home owners to replace their inefficient copper wiring with higher quality replacements. I figure that my house loses 20 percent of its electricity due to the bad wiring, it may be higher!
In the meantime, it is time to get used to the blackouts again. Time to empty my fridge again 🙁
we had 12 hours in tan thuan Tay district 7.
Two days ago, my students said they had 16 hours without electricity. Very unusual.
Poor U…How about stay at school and just think of it as your new house, sensei?! It’s must be cooler!
My aircon is fine for me. I can stay home 🙂