Today I endured another taxi nightmare. After reserving a taxi from Taxi 515 online, I was surprised that they never came. Phones to the taxi dispatch did not help either. This is becoming too familiar for me in Almaty.
Orange Taxi
I used them twice. Easy to call, they were great the first. Second time, they came late. Even worse, they claimed they had arrived but we could not find them. How can you miss an orange colored taxi?
Then they charged me more then Ekotaxi. I stopped using them.
Econom Taxi
I used them twice. Same problem, over priced and they charged to wait. I will never use them again either.
Taxi 515
I used them 2 times already with the same Komandir app. Today they did not come. That is a concern for me.
Ekotaxi, though more expensive, is the only reliable taxi you can count on in Almaty now. They can come late but they will call you. I use them most of the time. You can use Komandir.kz to book an Ekotaxi. They use the white Ekotaxi SUVs or the Silver Komandir ones.
Posted from Samsung Galaxy Note 4