Yeah, though I live in Vietnam, there has been a Central Asian theme to SaigonNezumi as of late. I lived in this region for two and a half years (1997-1999) and many of my research at Indiana University focussed on Islam and politics in Central Asia. I was a Research Assistant for Professor Nazif Shahrani at Indiana University for several years. I put together this website for him and I maintained it until I left for Vietnam in 2004. It is pretty good resource on Afghanistan and Central Asian history pre-9/11. Though I cringe at how bad I designed the website, at the time, I thought I did a pretty good job. Now… Anyway, please take a look at the ACARI website:
I was just browsed websites about city of Karatau and suddendly found your website where you descibed a guy Asan and his wife in Kazakhstan. As my memory did not let me down i recognized my previous teacher Mr. Asan and his wife. His full name is Asan Ramankqulavich isn’t it? and he has lots of children , most of them girls? Ask them if they used to be a teacher in Shkola Internat for afghan children from 1985. If it is matches please contact me if you do not mind. I just wanna say hello to them or send a letter. You can contact me at email below.
[email protected]
Yep, it is the same Asan. A couple months ago an Afghan student who studied at the Karatau Lyceum noticed it was the same Asan. He was a bitter since he felt Asan sent all the students back to Afghanistan.