I tried out Aber this week. With it’s name, you would think they are trying to replace Uber in Saigon. It makes good marketing sense. There are many disgruntled former UberMoto drivers out there. My first Aber driver also works for MaiLinh Bike, a shared motorbike company many UberMoto guys fled too.
Aber still has very few cars and bikes so be prepared to wait a bit. The good thing about the Aber app is that it will give you an approximate arrival time. As first I did not like the idea of waiting 15 minutes for a Aber ride. Then I realized that for many GrabBike rides, I waited up to 20 minutes at time.
My ride actually came in under 10 minutes. The driver spoke English very well. The only mishap of the trip was when I realized I needed to pay for the trip. I got used to GrabPay. I can’t wait until Aber offers the same payment services.
Overall, a good first experience so I plan to split trips between Grab and Aber.