The transformer near my house blew at about 8:30 pm. We will not have power until tomorrow or Sunday. Got to endure a Friday night without electricity. Thank god for candles. … [Read more...] about Friday night with no electricity
Archives for 2010
Ngo Thoi Nhiem (II)
Another view of the Ngo Thoi Nhiem Gifted School. Made another visit yesterday morning. The size of the school is impressive. … [Read more...] about Ngo Thoi Nhiem (II)
A wet Saigon Thursday
Saigon got hit by it's third deluge of the week. This downpour was a shocker. I gone up to my office for about 30 minutes and return downstairs to see a "lake" on campus. Roughly about a feet of water covered school grounds. My IT assistant got my motorbike but I decided it was not worth trying to keep my shoes dry. They would get wet later anyway. Since I knew Nguyen … [Read more...] about A wet Saigon Thursday
My horrible week with FPT
Last Sunday, after our internet was down at my home for nearly 7 days, FPT arrived to resolve the problem. Somebody cut their line last Monday and it took FPT 5 days to repair it. They came to our house to make sure all the computers were connected. The FPT technician came to my room, and tried to get Ubuntu Linux to connect to the ADSL line. He failed miserably and it was … [Read more...] about My horrible week with FPT
Theraflu, must have overseas
I always bring boxes of Teraflu from the US to Vietnam. Works like a charm when you are sick. … [Read more...] about Theraflu, must have overseas