A great day for pictures of Vietnamese dogs. The Vietnamese really love dogs!!! (This doggy is getting a thorough wash) (Lucky is meeting a NEW friend) (This puppy is munching on some veggies) (Hey, take me back to my veggies!!!) (What about me???!!!) … [Read more...] about Vietnamese Doggy Post :-)
Archives for 2006
Daily Zen
Where there is beauty, there is ugliness. When something is right, Something else is wrong. Knowledge and ignorance Depend on each other. It has been like this since the beginning. How could it be otherwise now? Wanting to chuck out one And hold onto the other Makes for a ridiculous comedy. You must still deal with everything Ever-changing, Even when you say it’s … [Read more...] about Daily Zen
SaigonBus in My Way, AGAIN!!!
This is a normal scene on the streets of Saigon. There are many SaigonBusses with their horns blaring blocking the path of motorbikes and cars alike. You get used to it though :-) (SaigonBus stopping at a red light) (Waiting, waiting, hurry up green light, these fumes from the bus are killing me) … [Read more...] about SaigonBus in My Way, AGAIN!!!
Need Petro?
I normally buy my petro (gasoline for us Americans) at Petrolimex. I pay about 11,000 Vietnamese Dong per liter now (about 70 cents US). I usually fill my motorbike up about once every 4-5 days. (Time to fill-up...) … [Read more...] about Need Petro?
Morning in the Alleyway – Phu Nhuan District
Another nice morning in the Phu Nhuan District. A lot of activity is normal during the mornings here. (Hello!!!) (Neighbor feeding her daughter tofu) (The Tofu Lady and her Stand) (She is a very pleasant woman) (For 2000 Vietnamese Dong, you can get a good bowl of tofu with ginger) … [Read more...] about Morning in the Alleyway – Phu Nhuan District